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APRIL 19, 2024 | Volume I, Issue 15

Dear Inspirational Leaders!

As we reflect on another week of growth and challenges, I want to share with you three pivotal lessons I’ve learned about the transformative journey from wounds to scars. Each of these insights can help guide us as we navigate our roles and influence others.

Three Pivotal Lessons

1.The Importance of Healing Before Leading: In my early years of speaking I spoke from fresh wounds. I found in those early days of speaking the reaction from my audience was one of sympathy, however, my goal is to impact and encourage in a positive way. It's not about mebut instead, how can I help, support, and be a beacon of hope for you. I quickly realized how important it was for my personal experiences and challenges to fully mature and heal so that I could truly be an effective influential leader.

2. Transformation Through Shared Scars: Once healed, these scars became powerful tools. Sharing from a place of recovery, I noticed a shift: people no longer saw me as a subject of sympathy but were empathetic. The feedback was an audience member sharing about something they went through or what someone close to them went through. Our scars, when revealed properly, can inspire and mobilize others by showcasing resilience and the potential for transformation.

3. Scars as a Testament to GrowthScars should be viewed not just as marks of past pain but as evidence of past battles and lessons learned. In my speeches now, people take action because they clearly see the lesson. They internalize it and realize we all have faced challenges and emerged stronger, wiser, and more capable of leading others to their paths of recovery and success.


Two connections for this week

Ross Bernstein is such an engaging speaker who focuses on the ideology of how the best companies are able to separate themselves from the rest of the pack through dynamic leadership, by creating a culture of excellence, and by giving extraordinary customer service.  Check out his LinkedIn.

Photo credit: Ross Bernstein at the Broadmoor hotel


Mel Robbins is known for her pragmatic and impactful advice. Mel inspires millions with her tools for action and change. Her approach to confronting life’s challenges with actionable steps can transform personal and professional lives. You can follow Mel via LinkedIn.

Photo credit: Mel Robbins website

Action step for next week 

Reflect on a personal challenge or setback you’ve experienced in the past. How has this shaped you? Have you allowed it to heal into a scar? 

Next week, I encourage you to share this story with someone on your team or a peer. Use this narrative not just to connect, but also to guide, inspire, and perhaps most importantly, to teach. Remember, the most profound lessons often come from our scars, not our wounds.

The Podcast

🎧 Did you catch the latest episode on "Performance Shift"?! It was epic! 

Make sure you're all signed up to join the fun with me and Kat Koppett, organizational psychologist, improviser and theater owner as we share our experiences, insights and tools for navigating change.


We are so thrilled to be on this journey with you — The essence of courage, resilience, and empowerment through the lens of John Register's remarkable story: Amputate Fear: Break free from the shackles of fear that hold you back. Embrace courage and unleash your true potential. Breathe Life: Let optimism and change propel you forward. Experience the transformative power of overcoming adversity and empowering others. Hurdle Adversity: Turn obstacles into opportunities. Discover the resilience and determination within to conquer life's challenges. Vitam Spirare: Infuse each moment with purpose and passion. Embrace vitality and live life to the fullest.



Until next Friday, keep moving forward.

Go forth and inspire your world,


Do you have a story to share or a person to highlight please share with me at 

Have an event coming up? Let's talk, send me an email at or call me at 719-357-6833.

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