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APRIL 26, 2024 | Volume I, Issue 16

Dear Inspirational Leaders!

This past week, I had the unique opportunity to travel as a Non-Revenue Passenger with my wife, Alice, a flight attendant with Southwest Airlines. We journeyed from Denver to Reno, back to Denver, then onto Chicago, and Phoenix, with stays overnight in Reno and Chicago. It was an insightful experience and I am immensely grateful for the chance to see more people meet the person I love and adore! Here are the insights I gained from our travels.

Insight from John's Travel Adventure

First, I observed that flight attendants have incredibly demanding jobs. They must comply with Federal Aviation Administration regulations while ensuring passenger comfort and safety. The attention to detail required is remarkable. Watching Alice on each flight, I was struck by how flawlessly she made the announcements and ensured the cabin was secure before pushback and takeoff. 

💡As executives, do we have systems and procedures that allow us to measure our success as reliably in our own environments, whether in meetings, events, or interactions with clients or sales teams?

Second, Alice’s professionalism was evident in her interactions with passengers. Each interaction began with a smile, a nod of recognition, and an offer of assistance. This approach made each passenger feel at home, turning a routine flight into a memorable experience. 

💡As executives, how do we greet people in our own professional spaces? Are we distant and unappreciative, or are we lively and engaged, genuinely enthusiastic about collaborating with our colleagues? I strive for the latter. 

Lastly, after reaching each destination, Alice and her crew would often visit a local eatery or venue to relax and discuss the day. This camaraderie was impressive, especially given their hectic schedules. 

💡As leaders, how often do we encourage our teams to unwind and bond after a busy day? Such moments can enhance team cohesion and create a tightly-knit company culture. 


Two connections for this week

Summer Owens, a member of my mastermind group and founder of the Soul Foundation, is a resilient speaker who has successfully helped young women overcome the trauma of sexual abuse. 

She is a phenomenal resource. You can follow her @summero_sowhat.


Gail Davis, owner and founder of GDA Speakers. I value our partnership not only because they book me for a variety of events but also for their genuine care and concern. When my mother passed away, Gail and her team sent a lily that continues to bloom in our home, serving as a constant reminder of their thoughtfulness. 

You can follow Gail and her team via LinkedIn.

Insight and Action step for next week 

Insight: Adopting the flight crew’s approach to unwinding can be transformative. After a long day of flights and interactions, the crew’s decision to connect personally over a meal provided a valuable opportunity to decompress and strengthen bonds. 

Action Step: This week, I challenge you to organize a casual team gathering after work. It could be as simple as a coffee break, a meal, or a walk. Use this time not for work discussions, but to learn more about each other’s interests, backgrounds, and experiences. This practice could greatly enhance team dynamics and overall job satisfaction.

The Podcast

🎧 Did you catch the latest episode on "Performance Shift"?! It was epic! 

Make sure you're all signed up to join the fun with me and Kat Koppett, organizational psychologist, improviser and theater owner as we share our experiences, insights and tools for navigating change.


We are so thrilled to be on this journey with you — The essence of courage, resilience, and empowerment through the lens of John Register's remarkable story: Amputate Fear: Break free from the shackles of fear that hold you back. Embrace courage and unleash your true potential. Breathe Life: Let optimism and change propel you forward. Experience the transformative power of overcoming adversity and empowering others. Hurdle Adversity: Turn obstacles into opportunities. Discover the resilience and determination within to conquer life's challenges. Vitam Spirare: Infuse each moment with purpose and passion. Embrace vitality and live life to the fullest.



Until next Friday, keep moving forward.

Go forth and inspire your world,


Do you have a story to share or a person to highlight please share with me at 

Have an event coming up? Let's talk, send me an email at or call me at 719-357-6833.

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