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MAY 17, 2024 | Volume I, Issue 19

Dear Inspirational Leaders,

We continue our walk and talk about inspirational business leadership which is to lead in such a way that your people are 100% in sync with what you are sharing as a vision. In this edition of the Forward Friday newsletter, I share a personal story from my book 10 Power Stories to Impact Any Leader: Journal Your Way to Leadership Success, which holds profound lessons for inspirational leadership. 


Personal Story: A race to the creek

When my son, John Jr., was about three or four years old, we would race after church to a nearby creek. It became a cherished ritual between the two of us. On our walk back to the church after the race was over our conversations were filled with laughter, playful competition, and the joy of a small child’s victory or near win. After my amputation, when my son was almost six years old, I remember him eagerly coming up to me after church was over and asking if he could race me to the creek. But I was in too much pain to run. The amputation too fresh. The disappointment was palpable—I never wanted to tell my son that I couldn’t do something for him. "I can't run right now, son," I said. It pained me and I felt the embarrassment and tears begin to fill my eyes." John Jr, looked at my leg, then he looked up at me and after a moment of silent contemplation, he suggested, “Well, Dad, can we just walk down there?” It was then I realized that it wasn’t about "the race", it was about the relationship. 

From this experience, I’ve gained several invaluable lessons about leadership: 
  • The first is to adapt in the face of change. As inspirational leaders, we must be ready to face changes and challenges head-on. Much like adjusting from racing to walking, we should be prepared to modify our strategies and approaches to meet the evolving needs of our team and business. 
  • Secondly, Empathy Drives Connection and Loyalty. My son’s response to my amputation highlighted the power of empathy—understanding and sharing the feelings of others. Inspirational leaders showing empathy foster deeper connections, encourage open communication, and build a supportive and loyal team environment. 
  • Finally, prioritize relationships over competition. True inspirational leadership is about nurturing relationships that inspire and empower everyone to contribute their best, rather than simply striving to outpace one another.
This week, as we navigate the complexities of leadership in business, these lessons can remind us that the journey is as important as the destination and that the heart of leadership lies in the connections we build and nurture along the way.

Photo at top: John Jr. at 3 or 4 years old

Photo to the right: Myself and John Jr., adulting!

Two people to follow

I invite you to follow is Dylan Kirkpatrick. Dylan is with AAE Speakers Bureau. He set up a meeting for me with his staff when I was in Raleigh, NC. If you are looking to book an amazing talented speaker, you should reach out to Dylan and his team.


If you're looking to take your business to the next level and increase your revenue through digital advertising, then you need to follow John Bianchi, CEO of The Omega Agency. John  helps small and medium-sized companies make more money by optimizing their digital advertising through social, paid, and digital media campaigns. You can follow John via LinkedIn.


Action step for next week: Reflect and Reach Out 

This week, take a moment to reflect on a recent challenge or change you've faced in your leadership journey. How did you respond? What strategies did you use to navigate this change? Write down your thoughts and consider how the principles of adaptability, empathy, and prioritizing relationships played a role in your approach. 

Then, reach out to one or more team members for a one-on-one discussion. Ask them about their recent challenges and how they're feeling about the team's current direction. Use this opportunity to strengthen your connections, showing genuine interest and empathy. This not only helps you better understand the needs and emotions of your team but also reinforces the relationships that are foundational to successful leadership.


Some time ago I launched an exclusive community in Mighty Networks called the Pro Speaker Society. The community was launched with the goal of bringing like minded leaders from across the world into one place to share ideas, encourage one another, and make progress towards their goals. Leaders poured into the group in droves! I couldn’t have been more proud of the passion and enthusiasm that was shown as leaders dove in and committed to the experience. 

And now we’re doing it again!

I’m excited to announce the relaunch of the Pro Speakers Society, dedicated to fostering leadership development, personal growth, and success strategies. This group aims to bring together individuals like yourself who are passionate about making a positive impact and achieving their full potential.


Stay in the Know

This week I had the pleasure of being on Meet the Experts with Cory MoselyCSP. We talked about Business Growth Strategies, Thought Leadership, and a bunch of other topics. To listen in, or view past episodes visit Corey's Youtube channel.


Next Step Forward with Chris Meek invited me on for the second time! I was able to share a lot about my life journey and about where some of my philosophy’s come from. Check out the podcast and let me know what you think. Did anything resonate with you? Send me an email or tag me on LinkedIn let's chat!


I had a dynamic StreamYard podcast with Ashley Dodge on her show Actually, Ashley… Visit the following link to catch the episode.


And finally, (yes, I have been busy!) an article I wrote for the U.S. Veteran Magazine was recently published. The article "Unlocking Veteran Talent: How Innovative Companies Excel," delves into the strategies and practices that have proven successful in harnessing the unique strengths and experiences that veterans bring to the table. Read More



The essence of courage, resilience, and empowerment through the lens of John Register's remarkable story: 

  • Amputate Fear: Break free from the shackles of fear that hold you back. Embrace courage and unleash your true potential. 
  • Breathe Life: Let optimism and change propel you forward. Experience the transformative power of overcoming adversity and empowering others. 
  • Hurdle Adversity: Turn obstacles into opportunities. Discover the resilience and determination within to conquer life's challenges. 
  • Vitam Spirare: Infuse each moment with purpose and passion. Embrace vitality and live life to the fullest.


Thank you all for being a part of the community! Before closing out this weeks newsletter, another quick reminder that I will be rolling out a referral program in the next couple of weeks... list of details are forthcoming, but in the meantime, connect with me to learn more about receiving a commission if you refer me to speak and it turns into an opportunity. Let's make this happen, together!

Have a great day and go forth and inspire your world.


Do you have a story to share or a person to highlight please share with me at 

Have an event coming up? Let's talk, send me an email at or call me at 719-357-6833.

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