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MAY 24, 2024 | Volume I, Issue 20

Dear Inspirational Leaders,

As some of you may know this month marks my 30 year anniversary of having two options presented to me: use a walker/wheelchair forever, or undergo an amputation and use a prosthesis. I chose the amputation. And as I embark upon this milestone I contemplate about life's unexpected event that led to the amputation of my left leg, and challenged me to redefine my identity and purpose. Remember, even in the face of adversity, there is always the opportunity for growth and transformation.

Transforming Tragedy into Triumph: Inspirational Business Leadership Lessons from a Life-Altering Day

May 17, 1994, is a day I'll never forget—a day that changed my life forever. Have you ever had an event that abruptly altered your life's trajectory? 

At the time, I was ranked in the top 10 in the U.S. for the 400m hurdles and part of the Army's World Class Athlete Program, heading to Officer Candidate School. We had arrived in Hays, Kansas, for a meet. While doing my routine shake-out, strong winds threw off my step pattern, crucial for the 400m hurdles. Approaching the third hurdle, I had to switch my lead leg and, upon landing, I heard a 'snap'. I fell, seeing my dislocated leg, and knew getting up was impossible. Seven days later I underwent an amputation to my left leg. 

Post-surgery, I questioned my identity and future. My wife, Alice, reassured me: "We'll get through this together." We all need people to lift us when we can't get up. With this support, I ended my military service and began swimming for therapy. Within 27 months, I made the Paralympic team as a swimmer. 

Though I missed the Olympics in the 400m, I competed in the Paralympics. This led me back to the track, and four years later, I won a silver medal in the long jump at the Sydney Paralympics. My journey taught me that overcoming adversity isn't about erasing the past but accepting loss and creating a vision for rebirth. 

Here are three inspirational business leadership lessons I learned from that day:
  • Embrace Adaptability and Resilience. Adapting to change is crucial, especially when life throws unexpected challenges our way. Despite a devastating injury that ended my Olympic dreams, I chose to amputate my leg and started anew. This adaptability allowed me to find new avenues for success, such as becoming a Paralympian and winning a silver medal. As a leader you can inspire your teams to release those things that are holding them back and focus on what will propel them forward.  
  • Rely on Support SystemsStrong support systems are essential for overcoming significant obstacles. My wife Alice's unwavering support played a critical role in my recovery and new path. Her reassurance that we would get through the difficult times together underscores the importance of having people who lift us up when we cannot rise on our own. As a leader, begin to identify the people who are always in your corner. Keep them close because when times get bad, they will have your back.
  • Transform Adversity into Opportunity. Adversity can be a powerful catalyst for growth and new opportunities. My journey from a potential Olympian to a Paralympian, and eventually founding the Paralympic Military Sports program, demonstrates how facing and accepting loss can lead to rebirth and the creation of new visions. You too can use your story to inspire others, helping them overcome their fears and embrace their own "new normal mindset."

I would love to know how you have used an adverse situation to propel your team. Send me an email or connect with me on social media! I look forward to hearing from you.


Two people to follow

Omar Ahmad is brilliant. He is the founder and CEO of Neuro Animation. He is one of those guys who just thinks differently. Dr. Ahmad serves as the Director of Innovative Engineering at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine's Department of Neurology, and also leads the Kata Design Studio within the same department, focusing on creating groundbreaking neuro-motor rehabilitation tools through virtual and augmented reality. His work emphasizes blending artistic and emotional aspects with scientific research and technological innovation to enhance motor recovery and brain repair. Brilliant, right? You can check out him out via his website here.


If you do not know Rachel should get to know Rachel Baribeau! She is a powerhouse. She is one of the only voting members for the Heisman trophy. She is all about changing the narrative. I have known Rachel, well, for a long time. Her journey is incredible and what a fighter. She will be speaking at the Next Level Speakers Conference 2024 in Atlanta. You can find her social media handles and email to connect with her here!


Action step for next week

From Setback to Comeback: Transforming Adversity into Action

Reflect on a significant challenge you've faced, journal about the experience, and identify key lessons learned. Consider how this adversity affected you both personally and professionally. Focus on your initial reactions, the support systems you utilized, and how you transformed the adversity into an opportunity. 

If you feel comfortable, share your story and its lessons with someone you trust or within a community forum. Use this reflection to set a specific, actionable goal that applies a lesson from your past adversity to a present situation. 

This exercise will help you understand how past challenges have shaped you and how you can leverage these experiences to overcome current and future obstacles. 


Have you joined us yet?! Last week I announced the relaunch of the Pro Speakers Society, dedicated to fostering leadership development, personal growth, and success strategies. This group aims to bring together individuals like yourself who are passionate about making a positive impact and achieving their full potential. I encourage you to check it out TODAY!



The essence of courage, resilience, and empowerment through the lens of John Register's remarkable story: 

  • Amputate Fear: Break free from the shackles of fear that hold you back. Embrace courage and unleash your true potential. 
  • Breathe Life: Let optimism and change propel you forward. Experience the transformative power of overcoming adversity and empowering others. 
  • Hurdle Adversity: Turn obstacles into opportunities. Discover the resilience and determination within to conquer life's challenges. 
  • Vitam Spirare: Infuse each moment with purpose and passion. Embrace vitality and live life to the fullest.


Thank you all for being a part of the community! Have a great day and go forth and inspire your world.


Do you have a story to share or a person to highlight please share with me at 

Have an event coming up? Let's talk, send me an email at or call me at 719-357-6833.

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