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JUNE 7, 2024 | Volume I, Issue 22

Hey, great day Inspirers!

Another Forward Friday awakes us all. As I mentioned in my last newsletter I am going to switch it up a bit during the month of June and introduce you to a few amazing people who have poured into me. They have shifted the way I think and made me more resilient. They have shown me what I need to amputate and what I need to amplify to become better tomorrow than I am today.


Secrets Revealed: How Smart Leaders Turn Every Team Member into a Goldmine

I met Melissa Cohen through a mutual friend. After speaking for a CPA group in Washington DC, I became friends with Amy C. Horner who is a member of Chief. Chief is a private, membership-based networking organization for women and Melissa Cohen is a co-founder of Chief, New York. 

Her day-to-day job is as a personal branding and LinkedIn ™ Presence expert. She is the owner of MBC Consulting Solutions. I have enjoyed getting to know her and was even able to break bread with her while I was in New York.

photo of John Register and Melissa Cohen

I asked her three leadership insights that she would share with us and here are her answers.

1. Cultivate Partnership and Value in Leadership 

Our people are our greatest resource. Understanding that people are the most valuable asset in any organization can transform leadership approaches, foster stronger relationships, and drive success. This has been an important lesson for me, both as a leader in the corporate world and as a solopreneur. Relationships are at the heart of everything -- and I have always nurtured and cherished relationships, both in and outside of the workplace. One thing that has always helped set me apart is my strong conviction that the vendors and suppliers that we work with are our partners. One of the biggest complaints I had in the fashion industry was that so much of the burden of meeting our goals and KPIs was put on the suppliers.  They needed to give us lower prices, shorter lead times, and at the same time give us higher quality products. Sounds unsustainable, doesn't it? I took a more holistic approach -- how could we, as the brand, work with our vendor partners to achieve our goals together? 

2. Soft Skills – The Currency of Today’s Leaders 

The so-called "soft skills" are crucial to leadership.  Top of the list for me is adaptability and resilience.  The world is changing at a rapid pace, and we must learn to adapt to those changes or be left behind.  For those of us who did not grow up as digital natives, some of these changes can seem daunting (such as the rapid use of artificial intelligence).  We must learn and embrace new technologies and use them to drive efficiency, revenue, and growth. Resilience took on special meaning for me in 2020 and 2021. Like far too many people, my role was eliminated in 2020, and the fashion industry was hit incredibly hard by the pandemic. After much soul searching (and a few challenging experiences while job searching), I decided to take a leap and open my consultancy. 

3. The Blueprint for Brilliance: Unlock Success Through Strategic Thinking

There is simply no substitute for strategic thinking. It is fundamental to guiding your business, team, or organization toward long-term success. What has worked for me is goal-setting (I prefer the SMART method), enacting both short-term and long-term planning, and driving and supporting innovation. We all know the adage, "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail" - and it is the truth. In both large organizations and sole proprietorships, thinking strategically for both current and future states is essential.


Two people to follow

Melissa’s goal is to help you discover and amplify your story on LinkedIn. During the pandemic, she witnessed the magic that emerges when we harness this platform's full potential. She realized that so much of her self-worth was tied to her job and, when it was gone, a big part of her felt gone too. LinkedIn helped change her narrative through connection, community, and finding her voice. She will help you find yours as well. Seek her out at

Tom DeSanto is the proud owner of more than 40,000 comic books and a self-described pop culture junky. DeSanto dreamed of bringing the characters he loved as a kid to life in Hollywood. Making that dream a reality he became the founding writer/producer behind some of the biggest franchises in movie history. [Transformers: Rise of the Beasts; Bumblebee; and Transformers: The Last Knight.

Amputate to Amplify Action Step:

Transform Vendor Relationships

Reckoning: This week, take a moment to critically assess the current state of your relationships with vendors, suppliers, and team members. Identify any approaches or assumptions that might be limiting these relationships to transactional interactions rather than collaborative partnerships. 

Revision: Plan to amputate outdated methods or transaction-focused interactions that have been standard but not beneficial in fostering strong partnerships. Instead, schedule a meeting with at least one key partner to redefine your collaborative approach.

Renewal: In these meetings, focus on understanding and addressing the challenges your partners face. Propose solutions that benefit both parties, aiming for mutual goals and shared successes. This revised approach will not only strengthen bonds but also lay the groundwork for more sustainable and successful business practices.

This is our 2nd week of the Amputate to Amplify Action Step Challenge. Have you missed one? Visit our newsletter archives and pick up where you left off!

If you have been enjoying the newsletter, let people know! Forward it, post it on social media, tag me, all the above...the bigger the discussion, the better!


Top Ten Characteristics of A Great Person

Ten top performer characteristics from the Sales Logic Live show with Meridith Elliott Powell and Mark Hunter, rewritten for clarity:

  1. Have a Plan: Top performers always enter with a well-thought-out plan.
  2. Consistency: They maintain a consistent approach in their efforts.
  3. Persevere When Reluctant: They push through tasks even when they don’t feel like it.
  4. Use a Scoreboard: They track their progress with a visible scoreboard.
  5. Set Ambitious Goals: Their goals are designed to surpass milestones.
  6. Qualify or Cut Loose: They efficiently qualify leads or cut them loose quickly.
  7. Excel in All Aspects of Life: Top performers strive to perform well in every area of their lives.
  8. Learn from Every Situation: They see every situation as an opportunity to learn.
  9. Stay Humble: They don’t believe they’ve reached the peak of their potential.
  10. Seek Inspiration: They find people to aspire to be and learn from their successes.

These characteristics encapsulate the mindset and behaviors that drive top performers to succeed.

Which of these translate into being a great inspirational leader? 

Follow Mark and Meridith Each Saturday Morning on Sales Logic Live on LinkedIn. 


The Pro Speakers Society is in full effect! This community is dedicated to fostering leadership development, personal growth, and success strategies. We aim to bring together individuals like yourself who are passionate about making a positive impact and achieving their full potential. I encourage you to check it out today. Who knows, you may be one of the lucky winners to receive a full scholarship to participate in the 90 Day Leadership Sprint Challenge program!


In June, I will be in Austin, TX; Las Vegas, NV; Spokane, WA; Seattle, WA; and Springfield, IL! If you are around any of those locations, I would love to connect in person. 

Send me a message via social media, let's link up! 


Thank you all for being a part of the community! Feel free to reach out anytime, I truly enjoy the work I do with business professionals to Hurdle Adversity, Amputate Fear, Embrace a New Normal Mindset, to Win Life's Medals!

Have a great day and go forth and inspire your world. 



Do you have a story to share or a person to highlight please share with me at 

Have an event coming up? Let's talk, send me an email at or call me at 719-357-6833.

Download my one-page Speaker Sheet

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