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JUNE 14, 2024 | Volume I, Issue 23

Hey, great day Inspirers!

As I continue through the month of June introducing you to a few amazing people who have poured into me, shifted the way I think and made me more resilient. They have also shown me what I need to amputate and what I need to amplify to become better tomorrow than I am today! With that said, allow me to introduce you to my friend Dani Kimlinger. 


Let me introduce you to my friend Dani Kimlinger

Dani is a passionate advocate for mental and physical well-being, specializing in health psychology and organizational psychology. At MINES, Dani and the team are dedicated to enhancing, transforming, and saving lives every day. With a deep commitment to healthcare, behavioral health, and emotional resilience, Dani excels in fostering diversity, strategic development, and transformational leadership across various sectors, including nonprofits, municipalities, and social enterprises. 


Dani and I have had the pleasure of collaborating on several projects for SHRM, where Dani’s genuine, inspirational leadership shines. In her free time, Dani loves to run, embodying the balance of mental and physical wellness she promotes.

Here are three bullet points about what she learned as a CEO on inspirational leadership.

1. Be vulnerable: Everyone faces struggles and challenges. Recognizing and acknowledging our own vulnerabilities allows us to connect with others on a deeper level and foster a supportive environment.

2. Adaptability and resilience: Setbacks and challenges are inevitable, but being able to adapt quickly and remain resilient is crucial. Embracing change and finding innovative solutions can lead to growth and success.

3. Building relationships: Relationships, both within and outside the organization, are essential. Having a network of supportive peers and mentors who can offer guidance and expertise is invaluable. It's also important to pay it forward by mentoring others and opening doors for them.


Two people to follow

Follow Dani and her company MINES & Associates

Mines has been a trusted provider of cost-saving Managed Behavioral Health Care and Top-tier Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) across the nation and beyond. Their commitment to excellence is reflected in their exceptional satisfaction rates among both employers and employees.

I encourage you to follow my friend Sherman Gillums Jr., who was just awarded the 2024 Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award. I met Mr. Gillums when he was over the Paralyzed Veterans of America. He is now the coordinator of the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the Office of Disability Integration. 

One of the characteristics I admire about Sherman is his heart and passion for the safety of others. In true Gillums fashion, when he received the award he shared that the honor was to those with whom he has served. Class act! Here is a link to his article.

Action Step for next week:

Initiate a Listening Tour

Dedicate time to meet with different team members individually or in small groups. The goal is to listen actively to their experiences, challenges, and suggestions without judgment or immediate response. 

This exercise taps into the lesson of vulnerability by allowing leaders to connect on a deeper level, showing that they value and acknowledge team members' perspectives. It also encourages adaptability, as the leader learns from these insights and considers them in decision-making processes. Finally, it strengthens relationships by showing genuine interest in team members' welfare and professional growth.


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Top Ten Characteristics of A Great Person

Ten top performer characteristics from the Sales Logic Live show with Meridith Elliott Powell and Mark Hunter, rewritten for clarity:

  1. Have a Plan: Top performers always enter with a well-thought-out plan.
  2. Consistency: They maintain a consistent approach in their efforts.
  3. Persevere When Reluctant: They push through tasks even when they don’t feel like it.
  4. Use a Scoreboard: They track their progress with a visible scoreboard.
  5. Set Ambitious Goals: Their goals are designed to surpass milestones.
  6. Qualify or Cut Loose: They efficiently qualify leads or cut them loose quickly.
  7. Excel in All Aspects of Life: Top performers strive to perform well in every area of their lives.
  8. Learn from Every Situation: They see every situation as an opportunity to learn.
  9. Stay Humble: They don’t believe they’ve reached the peak of their potential.
  10. Seek Inspiration: They find people to aspire to be and learn from their successes.

These characteristics encapsulate the mindset and behaviors that drive top performers to succeed.

Which of these translate into being a great inspirational leader? 

Follow Mark and Meridith Each Saturday Morning on Sales Logic Live on LinkedIn. 


We’re excited to welcome each member into the 90 Day Leadership Sprint. These leaders can expect a transformative journey that will leave a lasting impact in their journey as a leader and an individual. ðŸŽ‰ðŸŽ‰


In June, I will be in Austin, TX; Las Vegas, NV; Spokane, WA; Seattle, WA; and Springfield, IL! If you are around any of those locations, I would love to connect in person. 

Send me a message or connect on social media, let's link up! 


Thank you all for being a part of the community! Feel free to reach out anytime, I truly enjoy the work I do with business professionals to Hurdle Adversity, Amputate Fear, Embrace a New Normal Mindset, to Win Life's Medals!

Have a great day and go forth and inspire your world. 



Do you have a story to share or a person to highlight please share with me at 

Have an event coming up? Let's talk, send me an email at or call me at 719-357-6833.

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